JustGiving's (JG) top priority is to ensure that transaction and supporter data is kept secure at all times.
That’s why JustGiving maintains the highest possible standards of data security. It’s why we’ve implemented key international standards of best practice in online and data security, including:
- MasterCard®SecureCode™
- Verified by Visa (VbV)
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.
We take an active role in the overall reduction of identity theft and fraud on the internet by ensuring the security of our IT systems, personnel and infrastructure.
Our employees are trained in all aspects of web application security, including infrastructure vulnerabilities, cross-site scripting, secure data storage, and using the software development lifecycle to maintain and improve security.
JG has been certified PCI compliant by Trustwave, an official Visa Qualified Security Assessor. This means our systems and services comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard and that we actively protect our customers' identities, personal information and financial details.
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